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BASIC Source File
346 lines
' Copyright 1994 C Big Dog Software. All rights reserved
' Use in your own products permitted as long as a valid
' copyright notice is displayed during program initialization
' along with the following:
' Portions of this program are Copyright C Big Dog Software
Option Explicit
Const mt$ = ""
Const zero% = 0
Const one% = 1
Const two% = 2
Const plus$ = "+"
Const minus$ = "-"
Const times$ = "*"
Const div$ = "/"
Const oparen$ = "("
Const cparen$ = ")"
Const raise$ = "^"
Const UNARY$ = "U"
Dim tokens$(1 To 7) ' token symbols
Dim tprec%(1 To 7) ' token precedence (higher is more important)
Dim vstack$(1 To 100) ' value manipulation
Dim ostack$(1 To 100) ' operand
Dim vtos% ' stack pointer of value stack
Dim otos% ' stack pointer of operand stack
Dim tstr$
Dim calcerr$
Dim pcount% ' paren reduction
Dim lastok%
Const OPERATOR% = 1
Const NUMERIC% = 2
Sub clearstacks ()
Dim i%
For i = LBound(ostack) To UBound(ostack)
ostack(i) = mt
For i = LBound(vstack) To UBound(vstack)
vstack(i) = mt
End Sub
Function eval$ (parseme$)
Dim tok$, orig$, otop$
orig = parseme
lastok = OPERATOR
calcerr = mt
pcount = zero
tok = lexx(parseme)
While tok <> mt
Select Case tok
Case oparen
opush tok
Case cparen
opush tok
Case raise
opush tok
Case times
opush tok
Case div
opush tok
Case plus
opush tok
Case minus
If lastok = OPERATOR Then
opush UNARY
opush tok
End If
Case Else
If IsNumeric(tok) Then
vpush tok
eval = "ERROR: Unrecognized token :" + parseme + ":"
Exit Function
End If
End Select
tok = lexx(parseme)
If calcerr <> mt Then
eval = calcerr
Exit Function
End If
If calcerr <> mt Then
eval = calcerr
ElseIf vtos <> one Or otos <> zero Then
If otos <> zero Then
calcerr = opop()
If calcerr = oparen Then
eval = "Mismatched Left Parenthesis ("
eval = "Unable to reduce expression due to extra " + calcerr
End If
eval = "Unable to reduce expression"
End If
' at this point, the top of stack should contain the value
eval = vpop()
End If
End Function
Function getprec% (tokval$)
' get token precedence
Dim i%
If tokval = "U" Then
getprec = 10
Exit Function
End If
For i = one To UBound(tokens)
If tokens(i) = tokval Then
getprec = tprec(i)
Exit Function
End If
getprec = 0
End Function
Sub initcalc ()
vtos = 0
otos = 0
tokens(1) = "("
tprec(1) = 3
tokens(2) = ")"
tprec(2) = 3
tokens(3) = "*"
tprec(3) = 2
tokens(4) = "/"
tprec(4) = 2
tokens(5) = "+"
tprec(5) = 1
tokens(6) = "-"
tprec(6) = 1
tokens(7) = "^"
tprec(7) = 4
tstr = "()*/+-^"
End Sub
Function lexx$ (parsexpr$)
Dim i%, w%, j%, cc$, pl%, hs%, wc$, ft$
hs = Len(parsexpr)
If parsexpr = mt Then
lexx = mt
Exit Function
End If
hs = Len(parsexpr)
ft = mt ' find the FIRST token
For i = one To hs
cc = Mid$(parsexpr, i, one)
j = InStr(tstr, cc)
If j Then
ft = cc
Exit For
End If
If ft <> mt Then
w = InStr(parsexpr, ft)
If w Then
If w = one Then
lexx = Left$(parsexpr, one)
parsexpr = Trim$(Mid$(parsexpr, two))
lexx = Trim$(Left$(parsexpr, w - one))
parsexpr = Trim$(Mid$(parsexpr, w))
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
If IsNumeric(Trim$(parsexpr)) Then
lexx = Trim$(parsexpr)
parsexpr = mt
lexx = mt
calcerr = "Unrecognized token at start of :" + parsexpr
End If
End Function
Function opop$ ()
If otos >= one Then
opop = ostack(otos)
ostack(otos) = mt
otos = otos - one
opop = mt
End If
End Function
Sub opush (pval$)
Dim p1%, p2%
If pval = mt Then Exit Sub
If otos < UBound(ostack) Then
If otos > zero Then
If getprec(ostack(otos)) >= getprec(pval) And ostack(otos) <> oparen Then reduce
End If
lastok = OPERATOR
otos = otos + one
ostack(otos) = pval
If pval = cparen Then reduce
calcerr = "Operand Stack blown."
End If
End Sub
Sub reduce ()
Dim v1$, v2$, o1$, lt%
o1 = opop()
Select Case o1
Case mt
If pcount Then
calcerr = "Mismatched Right Parenthesis )"
End If
Exit Sub
Case oparen
If pcount = zero Then
lt = lastok
opush o1
lastok = lt
Exit Sub
End If
pcount = pcount - one
If pcount = zero Then Exit Sub
If pcount < zero Then
calcerr = "Mismatched Parenthesis"
End If
Case cparen
pcount = pcount + one
lt = lastok
vpush "-" + vpop()
lastok = lt
Case raise
v1 = vpop()
v2 = vpop()
If v1 = mt Or v2 = mt Then
calcerr = "Expression error near operand ^"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error Resume Next
lt = lastok
vpush Trim$(Str$(Val(v2) ^ Val(v1)))
lastok = lt
If Err Then
calcerr = "Arithmetic Overflow"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Case times
v1 = vpop()
v2 = vpop()
If v1 = mt Or v2 = mt Then
calcerr = "Expression error near operand *"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error Resume Next
lt = lastok
vpush Trim$(Str$(Val(v1) * Val(v2)))
lastok = lt
If Err Then
calcerr = "Arithmetic Overflow"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Case div
v1 = vpop()
v2 = vpop()
If v1 = mt Or v2 = mt Then
calcerr = "Expression error near operand /"
Exit Sub
End If
If Val(v1) = zero Then
calcerr = "Division by zero"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error Resume Next
lt = lastok
vpush Trim$(Str$(Val(v2) / Val(v1)))
lastok = lt
If Err Then
calcerr = "Arithmetic Overflow"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Case plus
v1 = vpop()
v2 = vpop()
If v1 = mt Or v2 = mt Then
calcerr = "Expression error near operand +"
Exit Sub
End If
lt = lastok
vpush Trim$(Str$(Val(v2) + Val(v1)))
lastok = lt
Case minus
v1 = vpop()
v2 = vpop()
If v1 = mt Or v2 = mt Then
calcerr = "Expression error near operand -"
Exit Sub
End If
lt = lastok
vpush Trim$(Str$(Val(v2) - Val(v1)))
lastok = lt
End Select
End Sub
Function vpop$ ()
If vtos >= one Then
vpop = vstack(vtos)
vstack(vtos) = mt
vtos = vtos - one
vpop = mt
End If
End Function
Sub vpush (pval$)
If pval = mt Then Exit Sub
If vtos < UBound(vstack) Then
lastok = NUMERIC
vtos = vtos + one
vstack(vtos) = pval
calcerr = "Value Stack blown."
End If
End Sub